Make an appointment
How to make an appointment?

Our practice is by appointment only. There is no free consultation.

An appointment can be made at any time via the online agenda.

An appointment can be made by telephone on 02 344 34 43.

For urgencies you can reach us continuously during working days.


Please record an appointment per person. This ensures that there is always enough time for each patient. If you come with more than one person, make several appointments.

Please arrive at least five minutes before your appointment.

Don't forget to bring your electronic identity card (eID).

We always ask that you wear a nose-mouth mask.

Please cancel an appointment at least three hours in advance if necessary. This way you give other patients the chance to take your place.

House call

Please always request house calls by telephone in the morning and preferably between 8:30 and 9:30 am.

On-call service

Do you need a doctor at night between 6pm and 8am or on weekends? Then you can call on the on-call service via 1733.

Make sure your house number is clearly visible and leave the lights on in the hall, so we can find you more easily.