Dokter Silke Steyaert


I graduated as a general practitioner at KU Leuven, with specific skills in taking and interpreting ECGs and lung function measurements.

During my studies I gained two years of practical experience, as a general practitioner in training, with Dr. Joke Verheyden in Evere. After that I started working in the group practice in Steenokkerzeel.

However, it has always been my dream to start my own practice in my native village. This is how Medihoek Huldenberg was born.

Given my interest in paediatrics and pregnancy monitoring, I also work as a recognized doctor at Kind en Gezin.

Consultations are possible in Dutch, French and English.

Dokter Nadescha Logist


I graduated as a general practitioner at KU Leuven, with specific competence in taking and interpreting ECGs.

During my training in general medicine, I gained three years of practical experience in a general practice in Gelrode and Zichem. I also did a 7-month internship at the emergency department in Diest.

I want to be a doctor for the whole family, from young to old.

I also have a special interest in paediatrics and pregnancy monitoring and I am a recognized doctor at Kind en Gezin.

Consultations are possible in Dutch, French and English.